About Vordingborg

Vordingborg area introduction
Business Vordingborg introduction

Business Vordingborg (Vordingborg Erhverv) is a business development agency, that offers free guidance and advice on opportunities when establishing a business in the municipality.

Vordingborg Municipality is one of the most business-minded municipalities in Denmark. Business Vordingborg exists in order to service business and further growth opportunities for local businesses. Therefore, you can receive free guidance and advice, if you are considering establishing your business in Denmark. The conditions for business are particularly good in Vordingborg Municipality. Taxes and tolls are low, there are a good infrastructure and proper access to both skilled and unskilled labor.

The placement of Vordingborg Municipality in the southern part of Zealand makes it a central area for growth and development for both Danish and foreign businesses. The distance to both Copenhagen and Germany is short, and there are great motorway- and railway connections in both directions. The Port of Vordingborg is close to international waters via the Great Belt and the Baltic Sea and is designed for transporting both bulk and freight goods. The extended infrastructure makes transport of goods easy and flexible, making Vordingborg Municipality the entrance to great markets in both Scandinavia and Europe. In coming years, infrastructure will become even better and the construction of the new Storstrøm Bridge and the Fehmarn Belt connection will create lots of jobs and growth opportunities for local business.

In Vordingborg Municipality we have both large businesses and SME’s in various industries. Approximately 120 businesses are established each year, mostly in the construction industry. This corresponds to an establishment rate of 6%. The potential for growth is great because of future investments that will be made in the area in the coming years, and because of the municipality’s focus on creating good conditions for business. There are approximately 180 companies who export in Vordingborg Municipality. Export opportunities are good, because of the great location of the municipality and the easy access to German and Scandinavian markets.